How Do I Check The System Status In The Prevent Portal?

To access the system status in the Prevent Portal, select your team from the left-hand sidebar. Then, navigate to the “System Status” tab located near the top center of your team page. 

The “System Status" Tab serves as a hub for system status information related to the mouthguards. In this tab you will see who is assigned what monitor, when it connected last, as well as the battery level of the mouthguard. It will also show you relevant information regarding the data syncing process and whether there are still events or raw data to sync. If you hit the green “download” icon, a report showing all that information will be created for you.

The order of priority for syncing is as follows:

- Summary data: Provides an estimated impact value rounded to the nearest whole number.

- Raw Data: Considers the impact trace of the summary data for a more precise impact value down to a tenth of a g (PLA).

- Logs: Utilized for internal testing and basic calculations on teeth time.